Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Applications

The City and County have recently begun the process of updating our community’s Comprehensive Plan. This document will assist in guiding the development of our community for the upcoming decades based on the current and future needs of Frankfort and Franklin...

Non-Profit Budget Requests

Franklin County Fiscal Court is beginning the budget process for the 2022-23 fiscal year.  As we consider funding requests, we must be assured of the public purpose of the funds and the financial accountability of the agencies to which tax dollars are...


Join Judge Huston Wells as he gives an update about the Lakeview Park Master Plan process. Unfortunately, time constraints did not allow the submitted written constituent comments to be read aloud at the meeting. Therefore, in this video, the Judge reads these...

Lakeview Park Master Plan Public Hearing Update

We sincerely apologize for the inappropriate content from anonymous Zoom users at last night’s Public Hearing. These users hijacked an important event for our community leaving us no option but to end the Zoom portion of the meeting. Therefore, if anyone wishes to...


Roads across the county have gradually improved over this afternoon. However, as the sun sets this evening temperatures will begin dropping into the teens and possibly even the single digits. This means that roads will become icy and hazardous once again....

Winter Weather & Road Condition Update

We dodged the proverbial ice bullet. The county has experienced mostly sleet and snow but very little ice with this storm. Our County/City & State Road crews did a great job. This latest snow shower has once again covered the streets and roads. Our crews are...