Please see the statement below directly from CKY Hauling regarding County (red cart) solid waste pickup.
“Service notice:
To All CKY Hauling Customers in Franklin County:
Due to the severe weather that we have all experienced this week CKY Hauling has been unable to run any trash and recycling collection routes on Monday and Tuesday. With safety being our focus, we will not try to make up these two days but will attempt to run our regularly scheduled routes the remainder of this week (i.e. Wednesday routes on Wednesday, Thursday routes on Thursday and Friday routes on Friday). For any customers that were missed this week or will be missed on upcoming routes due to the extreme weather events or road conditions we will pick up all trash from the previous week on your normal collection day next week. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing you and appreciate your patience as we work to maintain safety in your community.”