The Farmdale Sanitation District is pursuing grant funds toward a series of projects which will replace the aging wastewater treatment plants and infrastructure in the District. The award of grant funds will enable the District to keep project costs as low as possible for the benefit of all our customers.
Some information is required for the applications for these funding sources. One of the requirements is an income survey from a randomized list of addresses within our district. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, for example, requires that each CDBG funded activity must, to a specified percentage, benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons. A list of addresses has been generated and those residents will receive a letter with contact information and a sample survey. The survey must be completed and signed in person and every effort will be made to meet the convenience of those who are asked to fill out the survey. The surveys are needed by September 1. The District and your neighbors are grateful for the participation of those who receive these letters.