We sincerely apologize for the inappropriate content from anonymous Zoom users at last night’s Public Hearing. These users hijacked an important event for our community leaving us no option but to end the Zoom portion of the meeting. Therefore, if anyone wishes to make a comment or ask a question but was unable to do so because of Zoom being disabled you can e-mail them to: andrew.tippett@franklincounty.ky.gov. We will respond to your questions with an answer from the Hitchcock design group, the Park Committee or Fiscal Court staff.
Also, due to the meeting running over our allotted time we were unable to read the comments submitted via e-mail prior to the meeting. These comments will be distributed to the park committee in their entirety. Additionally, in the near future, Judge Wells will read these comments on a video that will be posted to our Facebook page for public consumption.
Finally, our next step in this process will be to hold a park committee meeting to discuss the comments made at the public hearing and to formulate a plan for moving forward.
We thank you for your understanding and participation in this important process. Together we will strive to move forward in a way that best serves our community.