Open Records
Open Records Policy
1. All applicants must complete a copy of the Open Records Request Form or provide an alternate request which includes all statutorily required information. The Open Records Request Form is available in hard copy from the Fiscal Court Clerk, available for download on this site or may be submitted electronically. Questions may be directed to the Fiscal Court Clerk at (502) 875-8751. Effective June 29, 2021, open records requests may also be submitted via the Attorney General’s standardized form which may be found here.
2. Open Records Request Forms shall be submitted to the Official Custodian, Fiscal Court Clerk, 321 West Main Street, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 during regular office hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Requests may be submitted in person, via fax (502-875-8755) or e-mailed to the Fiscal Court at Requests should be itemized and described as clearly as possible by the applicant.
3. Pursuant to HB 312 (2021) and codified in part in KRS 61.870, only residents of the Commonwealth may request to inspect public records. The definition of resident includes individuals and businesses living operating and working within the Commonwealth, as well as, news-gathering organizations.
4. A determination will be made within five(5) working days from the date of the application (excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) regarding approval of the request and applicant will be notified in writing of the decision within the five(5) day period. If the request is denied, a statement will be provided citing the statutory exception for the denial. Certain items may be excluded in whole or part if they contain exempted information as prescribed under KRS 61.878.
5. Records will be made available consistent with open records statutory requirements. For records requested to be inspected, a time shall be coordinated with the requester with the notification of the approval of the request. All records reviewed shall be re-assembled by the applicant in their original order. If copies are removed from clips or bound folders, these documents shall be replaced in their original order in a neat and orderly fashion. No person shall remove original copies of public records from this office without the written permission of the Official Custodian.
6. Copies of records are available for the following charges, payable in advance:
a) Non-commercial document requests $ .10 per copy
b) Non-commercial recordings, computer disks, tapes $5.00 per copy
7. For non-commercial requests, if record is available in digital format and has been specifically requested to be sent via e-mail, the County will accommodate this request at no charge. For records requested to be copied, placed on a disc and/or mailed, the charge (@ $ .10 per copy; $5.00 per disc and actual cost of postage) will be noted with the approval notification letter and copies or disc provided and/or mailed when the copy/disc/ postage fee is remitted and received by the Fiscal Court Clerk.
8. Commercial requests, special requests, or those requested in a non-standardized format shall be subject to higher fees taking into account loss of staff time and actual cost of reproduction. All fees will be noted prior to copying and documents provided when fees are remitted to the Fiscal Court Clerk.

Jack Kennedy
Deputy Judge/Executive
Questions regarding open records can be addressed to Deputy Judge Jack Kennedy.
(502) 875-8751
Franklin County ORR Form
Official Franklin County Open Records Request Form
Official Attorney General Open Records Request Form