Simon House Ribbon Cutting

Yesterday, the Simon House of Kentucky held a ribbon cutting ceremony for their new administrative offices and shelter on East Main Street. This centrally located facility has previously served as the location of the Franklin County Health Department and the Franklin...

Discretionary Road Money Awarded to Franklin County

Governor Beshear presented Judge Wells a ceremonial check this afternoon for $135,870 to repave Union Ridge Road and Hamilton Lane in northeastern Franklin County. He announced that the money was awarded from his office’s discretionary road fund. Judge Wells thanked...

Lakeview Golf Course & Driving Range Recognized

The Stewart Home & School recognized Lakeview Springs Golf Couse & Driving Range for the outstanding services it provides to their students. Judge Wells and Parks Director Charlie Lewis accepted the award in a ceremony yesterday morning.

Downtown Derby Celebration

Franklin County celebrated the Kentucky Derby this morning with festivities in downtown Frankfort. Also, Judge Wells and Mayor Wilkerson proclaimed today Dale and Wandale Robinson.

Spring 2022 Final Compost Giveaway

This morning was the final Franklin County compost giveaway for the spring season. During the last few months we have been able to give away over 200 tons of free compost to the citizens of our community. This season has served as a trial run for the giveaway program....