Starting Monday, May 4th – the County’s curbside recycling program will return. Please only put accepted items into your curbside bin, and do not bag them. Accepted items include: plastic bottles and jugs with a screw top, aluminum and steel cans, and corrugated cardboard & non-greasy takeout pizza boxes. Please consult the graphic below, and consider hanging it in your household, to know what is accepted curbside. Specific paper items (newspapers, junk mail, mixed office paper, and magazines/catalogs) can be taken to one of the two collection sites in the County. All glass and trash must be placed in your curbside trash cart.
Please contact the Solid Waste Coordinator if you have any questions – 502-875-8751 or 502-352-5499 during regular hours (8 am- 430 pm), or by email at