Residents can utilize a couple of drop off locations this week for storm debris and damaged items.

There are dumpsters at both Lakeview Park and the Evergreen Road Fire Station. The dumpsters are for items like fencing, gutters, broken outdoor furniture and toys, etc. No shingles/heavy construction debris or tires. *Anyone found dumping unacceptable items may be held liable for illegal dumping.*

Lakeview Park also has a brush pile – bring fallen limbs, trees, and brush here and place in pile, NOT in the dumpster. If it’s too large for you to move, please contact a contractor. Residents who live on County maintained roads can call the Road Department at 502-875-8760 and get on the list for pickup – not applicable to those on State maintained roads or in the Country Club.

You can also use a voucher all week this week at the landfill. If you already have a voucher number, no need to sign up again – just use the same number. Never use the program? Register at

If you live in the County and lost or had damage to either of your red trash/recycling carts, please contact CKY Hauling at 859-225-2521.

And remember, Spring Clean is next month, where we’ll have dumpsters in various places throughout the County. This is just for damage due to the storm.

Any other questions, please call Brittany at 502-875-8751.